We created this Biorhythm Template with an interactive chart so you can “look into the future” and see how your biorhythms are going to change. Biorhythms are supposed to tell you the status of three life rhythms – Physical, Emotional and Intellectual – all based on the date you were born. Download this template and find out where yours are and where they’re headed.

Are biorhythm’s accurate? We don’t know, but it’s a fun to have a look and see if any line up with how you’re feeling.

Biorhythm Template

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Biorhythm Template

Use the Biorhythm Template

First download the template, using the link above.

Next, enter your birth date. From here, everything calculates. The charts are automatically populated. Plus, we’ve included a scroll bar at the top of the chart. Use the scroll bar to see how your biorhythms are going to change.

There are two charts shown. They both show the same data, however, they are different types of charts to give you a different perspective of your rhythm.

More Information on Biorhythm’s

Physical This cycle is 23 days long. It reflects strength, endurance, and energy. As this cycle becomes more positive, you should feel like you have more energy, and would be less likely to get sick. As this cycle trends downward, you should start feeling more tired and less ready for the day.

Emotional This cycle is 28 days long. It reflects mood, emotions and creativity. As this cycle becomes more positive you should feel more creative and loving. As this cycle trends downward, you may start feeling short-tempered and a little more negative.

Intellectual This cycle is 33 days long. It reflects thinking, learning, communication, and analytical ability. As this cycle becomes more positive, problem solving should improve and catching on to new things should come easier. As this cycle trends downward, the mind may work a little more slowly and new ideas are more difficult to grasp.

Because these are on different cycles, oftentimes you find one or two are positive while the other is negative.

There have been several studies done on biorhythms. Some in support of the theory, and others demonstrating its lack of practical evidence. Wikipedia is always a good place to checkout – it covers some of the studies.

My Personal Experience

For me, I created this Biorhythm Template because I think it’s interesting. Plus, I was feeling like crap one day, was in the process of getting over being sick and wanted to see where my Biorhythms were. The way it played out for me was that I got sick at the same time that both my Physical and Emotional rhythms were at their lowest.

How are you feeling today? Download the template and see if your biorhythms are in line with how you feel.