Delivering content on a regular basis is hard. Anyone who’s delivering content knows how easy it is to fall into the trap of releasing content as soon as it’s created. That is not the best way to deliver quality content. Following a Content Calendar and having a Project Plan can help with organization. This Content Calendar and Plan Template can help with planning out how the year is going to look. It’s free, so give it a shot and see if it works for you.

The Content Calendar and Plan Template will help you organize your content delivery so you can easily see how your year is going to play out – and it fits on 1 page!

Content Calendar & Plan Template

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Content Calendar and Plan Template

How To Use the Content Calendar & Project Plan Template

There are two sections to this content calendar.

The first section is for a weekly project plan. This allows you to list your team members and include specific objectives for each by day. The example we’ve included is one we’re following for this website. To keep it simple there are two people.

Jason creates a template on Monday then writes the related content on Tuesday. The post is completed on Thursday. Saturday is to take care of any website updates and Sunday is for idea generation and planning.

Laurie reviews the template(s) and post(s) that have been created by Saturday. Then on Monday she will publish a template and post it the social media. On Thursday, she will determine if there are any relevant posts to social media that can be made again – this time of an older template.

Why is this helpful? This allows things to stay structured and also gives people the opportunity to do things in batches. For example, if there are several templates that need to be reviewed, Laurie can go through all of them at one time. This provides for the opportunity to have things done in advance. Removing the need to publish as soon as a piece of content is ready.

This also helps to ensure content is released regularly. We’ve had a difficult time staying consistent. So, following a plan should help keep us consistent.

The second section is an overview of the year. It includes your monthly theme and goals. Months are broken into quarters. It’s a good idea to go at least 6 months in advance. There is also a section for holidays. Some content you create may be focused on upcoming holidays. This will help you plan accordingly.

Each month is designed to have some type of theme. This will help you stay focused for a month and allow themes to evolve. Our example starts with January being focused on Financial Statements. In February, we move to Financial Ratios (which will use data from financial statements). Then in March, the theme is Accounting Checklists. These themes are connected.

Below the themes, is an area for you to establish goals. These could be goals specific to the themes or for the website in general.

At the end of each quarter, there is an area for high level thoughts for that quarter.

Keep it Simple

We’ve kept this template simple. The goal is to be able to look at one sheet of paper (or your screen) and get a good perspective of how the year is going to play out. To achieve this yearly goal, you put your week together in a way that will allow you to stay focused and be productive.

Don’t over complicate your plan. Our next template will be a detailed monthly content plan. It will allow you to do a deep dive into a specific month and establish detailed daily goals. This plan is to give yourself an overview.

Good luck, and whatever you do – keep creating content.