If you spend a lot of time on the keyboard, learning a few tricks will not only speed things up but simplify your life.  All of the shortcut keys below are Excel focused.  This is a free template for download, and you can easily modify it to fit your needs.  Add, remove or change shortcut key based on where you’re at.  This is a great list to share with people just getting started with Excel, or anyone looking to step up their game. Pick a few and start today!

A comprehensive listing of Excel shortcut keys.  This list was created to focus on key shortcuts that we believe provide the most opportunity.  This is not a complete listing of shortcut keys available.

Excel Shortcut Keys

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Excel Shortcut Keys Download

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Increase your efficiency today

Download this list of Excel shortcuts (the ones we use the most are denoted by an “X”), mark off the ones you already know and begin incorporating new shortcuts in your day-to-day use of Excel. Here is our suggested step by step guide to dramatically improve your use of these time savers:

  • Download the list and read through it
  • Identify those you believe are most critical
  • Print the list and put it somewhere that you will look
  • Choose 1/week and use it, use it, use it
  • Mark off the ones with which you become proficient

You will be amazed with how much you’re able to increase your efficiency, which will increase your productivity and result in more time to focus on what matters.

Excel Shortcut Keys