This is a Free Excel Wedding RSVP Tracker. It’s free, but powerful. Included in the RSVP tracker is a dashboard, so you can quickly see how many people are coming, who they’re associated with, gifts received, thank you cards sent, summary cost information and more. When you update the list, the dashboard automatically reflects your changes. This has been designed to be easy to use. Read on to see how to use this Wedding RSVP Tracker.

Guys, if you’ve landed on this page, download this template and help your lady out. You’ll like this tool because it’s easy to use and gives you important information quickly. Bonus – you will get you extra credit – trust me.

Wedding RSVP Tracker

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Wedding RSVP Dashboard

The Wedding RSVP Dashboard

The image above shows you how the dashboard looks after the tracker (the list on the next tab) has some information.

Wedding RSVP Accepted
The first section of the dashboard shows summary information on the number of people who have accepted.  How many people accepted as a maybe, and how many have not responded.

In our example, 13 people have accepted.  Of these, 10 are adults and 3 children.  In addition, 8 people are maybe’s – 5 adults and 3 children.  The last box shows that 12 have yet to respond. 

Below shows the number of guests that have accepted based on the relation to the bride or groom.  This is very helpful when planning seating arrangements.  It also has the option to include or exclude people who have responded as Maybe.  The top right box can be checked so that Maybe’s are included.  If not checked, then Maybe responses will be excluded from this chart.  It’s always safe to assume that a portion of your Maybe’s will show up.

Wedding RSVP Guests

Directly under the guest relation chart is summary information on the number of gifts received.  This section also tracks how many Thank You notes you’ve sent and how many more you need to send.  As you receive gifts, these can be logged into the tracker tab.

Wedding RSVP Gifts

The last section of the Wedding RSVP Dashboard summarizes cost information.  There are tips included in the dashboard.  All you need to do is enter the cost for the Reception and Rehearsal Dinner and the calculations will automatically be updated.  Very Important: the check box at the top of the dashboard (Include RSVPs as “Maybe”) updates your guest information.  If this box is checked, these guests will be included, so you can easily see what the costs will be if everyone shows up.

Wedding RSVP Costs

The Wedding Tracker

This tab drives all of the information shown on the dashboard. This tab was built using an Excel table, so as you add rows, all of the formatting will carry over. Also, all of the formulas that drive the dashboard will be updated for you. All you do is enter the information.

As you enter the information, you can use the address information for the invitations, updates and thank you cards. The file you’ll download has example information included, be sure to delete this information before you get started.

Wedding RSVP Tracker
Download our Free Wedding Planning Checklist for a comprehensive listing of everything you need to think of to have a successful wedding. Our Wedding Budget template has lots of ideas to help you save money and track your budget. Our Wedding Invitation template is beautiful and saves you money.