Some days just getting the family fed can be stressful. Add a few food allergies and trying to stay on budget to the mix, and it can be downright overwhelming! A Weekly Menu Plan in Excel and a few helpful recipe websites can add some organization, creativity, and sanity to an otherwise chaotic situation! If you’re looking to eat healthier, spend less on groceries, or spend less time getting meals put together, then having a weekly menu plan is a good place to start. Our Menu Plan templates are in Excel, so they’re easy to edit, modify and use.

There is nothing fancy about these templates, we wanted to create simple weekly menu plan spreadsheets that would fit most households’ needs.

Weekly Menu Plan


System Requirements & Download

Weekly Menu Plan Download

Download 51.50 KB 11990 downloads
Weekly Menu Plan Excel Template
Prints – Landscape
Menu – Shorter column size, 2 rows for main meals
Grocery – 10 categories to organize shopping
Bonus Notes section

Weekly Menu Plan v2 Download

Download 47.50 KB 5770 downloads
Weekly Menu Plan Template v2
Prints – Portrait
Menu – Long column size, 1 row
Grocery – 9 categories to organize shopping

Print one of these templates, place it on your fridge, and never answer the question “what’s for dinner?” again!

Organize your kitchen with a Free Weekly Menu Plan Template. Use it to plan your next grocery shopping trip and quickly realize the benefits:

  • Save Time – Once you have your menu laid out, last minute cooking decisions will be a thing of the past. Plus, it will be easy to make your grocery list, and you’ll save time shopping.
  • Manage Meal Size – If controlling meal size is something that is important to you or your family, a menu plan can go a long way in building the right sized meal. Make your menu plan at a time when you’re not hungry, and when you go to the grocery store, stick with the plan. After a few weeks, you’ll find that healthier options for snacks and sides have made their way into your pantry.
  • Save Money – Just like budgeting your monthly expenses will help you reach your savings goals, keeping a weekly menu and sticking to the grocery list will help control your meal costs. The USDA shows that the average family of four can spend almost $1,200 each month under a liberal plan. However, this is cut in half when a thrifty plan is followed.


Download the Excel menu plan, customize it to fit your needs and begin to enjoy the benefits of organized healthy meals.